Wednesday 26 May 2010

Me and Flash don't get along.

The Ultimate Pixar Quiz by ~JonnySedarati on deviantART

Although I'm only uploading this now I finished it a while ago or so I thought. Now I've found the time to upload it I have noticed that it wasn't exactly working how it should. Typically like most things it runs perfectly fine on my own computer but when I tested it on other computers it was causing me lots of problems particularly in relation to the audio and video I had included in the quiz.

Flash really is an awkward program, that has frustrated not only me but pretty much everyone on the course that I have asked about it. At first I had simply imported the video into the quiz and it was workin fine straight away but when testing it on other computers the videos wouldn't play but the audio would, even though I had made sure all the video files were in the same folder as the quiz file. So after trying find a way to fix this it seemed the only way I was going to make it work was to use URLs so that the video files would load from the web. After the long process of uploading all the video files to a host website to acquire the URLs I had managed to make it work. However, I initially just tested the quiz on my friends laptop but when I went to test it at the Waverley it wasn't working again! Frustrated I thought I might as well try to upload it to Deviant Art to see if there was a chance it would work there and surprisingly it did however now the audio wouldn't play. So after banging my head against a wall for a good ten minutes I decided to just link it my blod anyway as it is still fully functional apart from the sound clip which isn't integral to the quiz.

P.S Flash is awful, fix it Adobe.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Monday 24 May 2010

First Ever Animation Is Complete.

Welcome... from Jonny Sedarati on Vimeo.

I am relatively happy with what I have created although looking back now I can see lots of things I could improve and I will surely show this in future projects.

My basic idea was that I wanted to create a villains lair but that idea quickly changed when I watched the movie Kick Ass. I really enjoyed that movie and decided that I would create a hero's hideout.

So, in the movie Kick Ass the superhero's don't actually have super powers so I decided to create some hand to hand combat style weapons in my lair as well making my weapons room my hero's training room. I didn't want to just fill it with guns because I thought a lot of other students might do this. I also wanted to have an entertainment room which includes a huge television, sofa, Super Nintendo games console and a book shelf full of comic books, graphic novels and other fun books, oh and Matrix wallpaper because who wouldn't want that?

Downstairs I created a musical bedroom complete with guitars, amplifiers and a desk/bed complete with laptop, dual screens and Pixar lamp! This room was more a reflection of my personal interests and what I would like to have in a room designed by me.

For my final room I wanted to create something a little more sinister but I needed a reason for why my hero would be like that. So I decided my hero was going to be comparable to the character Dexter in the famous television show entitled 'Dexter'. What I mean by this is that although Dexter does some good he is also a serial killer an that is how I wanted my hero to appear. On the surface an honourable hero like that of Kick Ass but with an evil side like that of Dexter so I created a torture chamber and had a lot of fun designing this room, I hope that isn't too strange.

To conclude I have really enjoyed this project, it has been my favourite project of the whole year and has definately convinced me to continue working in 3D next year by choosing the Virtual Environments Pathway.

Wednesday 19 May 2010


This is the finished film me and the rest of my group have been working on for the last few weeks. I'm relatively happy with it considering most of the script was pre-written and the content of the script was quite strange.

I may decide to upload another version with some outtakes at some point if I have time because there were some pretty good ones.

This project was enjoyable as it enabled us to work in groups and collaborate to create short film. Each group was allocated a script and then had to interpretate it however they saw fit and also add one additional scene to the film.

Our script was one of the strangest and was basically about a man acting as if he were a dog. The first few ideas we had for the reason why he was acting this way were that he had gone mad, but we thought this would be a bit too obvious so we we kept thinking and decided that it could be quite amusing have the reason be that he was hyponotized.

I assumed the responsibility of sound and editing which I enjoyed and felt I contributed quite a lot to the project as a whole.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

10 Hours of Filming!

Today was a long day, a very long day as me and my seminar group spent over ten hours filming for our moving image project entitled 'DOG'. We have have almost all of the footage we need and the whole day was very productive, leaving us with only a few minor shots to take before we will be ready to edit.

I have uploaded a few photographs from todays shoot above and I have much more to post in the coming weeks relating to all of my first year projects.