Friday 26 November 2010

Gran Turismo 5 the worst in the series?

I don't even need to mention how long in the making this game has been but now Gran Turismo 5 is finally here, is it all we hoped it would be? I must admit I'm not the biggest fan of driving games but I've played a few in my time and felt GT5 could be the next big title to get me back into the genre. I am yet to have the chance to try the game but after scanning some of the reviews around the net it seems that GT5 has garnered mixed opinions. Many have applauded the core gameplay and believe it lives up its title of 'the real driving simulator' however there have been several negative comments about the game such as it having sloppy menus, inconsistent visuals and clunky online capabilities; perhaps most surprisingly CVG went as far as to say 'we reckon Forza III has the march on GT5 in overall aesthetics.' which is a huge surprise considering the hype surrounding how beautiful the game was going to be, largely due to the 'power of the PS3'.

You don't need to tell me that review scores shouldn't be the only thing to convince you to play a game but after 20 critic reviews GT5 has established a rather underwhelming average score of 86 on Metacritic. I thought I'd take a look at how this compared to past installments of the game and was surprised to find that the past four console GT games have all scored higher than Polyphony's latest effort and that GT5's main competitor Forza 3 has a score of 92 on Metacritic.

So does this mean GT5 is the worst in the series? We'll all have to play it to make up our own minds but I'm quite confident that it's a solid title worthy of the attention of any driving game fan.

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