Monday 23 November 2009

Face Off In The Corridor

Face Off In The Corridor from Jonny Sedarati on Vimeo.

This is a step away from my initial animation which was done using the white board method. I decided to move away from that because it became tedious and I wanted to try a pixilation using real people and objects and I came out with this...enjoy.

Finished One-Shot Film

Shots In The Kitchen... from Jonny Sedarati on Vimeo.

This is my groups second one-shot film which we spent much more time planning and choreographing than our initial film that we only had about 30 minutes to work on. We began by meeting up to discuss a new concept and scenario for the film. we wanted to continue using a first person perspestive so I suggested that we have a student sat at his laptop writing an essay. Meanwhile the students flatmates would be drinking and getting ready to go to a club and in the process, trying to get the student writing the essay to come out with them, to their annoyance. The group liked this idea so we began to write a simple script of things that were going to happen; actors entering and exiting the students room, dialogue etc.

We had booked a camera for the following day which we had planned to shoot the whole film on. We picked up the camera and decided to use my flat to film. Once at my flat we spent three or four hours filming until we were all pretty happy with what we had.

Finally, we recorded the voiceover dialogue the following week and imported that and the video footage into Adobe Premiere for editing. I am pretty happy with how it turned out and enjoyed creating it with my group.

One-Shot Film (1st Attempt)

FML from Jonny Sedarati on Vimeo.

This one-shot film was created during the first week of my groups one-shot film project and was an initial experiment into how we could make something interesting with only one-shot to work with.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Oldboy - One-Shot Corridor Fight Scene

A memorable scene from the film Oldboy which involves a fight scene filmed in a corridor in only one shot. This relates to my current work as I have began the one-shot film project where me and my group had to use a simliar method however, in this clip the camera pans to the left and right which we were not allowed to do.

Monday 2 November 2009

White Board Animation

This is my initial stop-motion video that I began working on a couple of weeks ago. It is more of an experiment than anything and I am still undecided on whether to continue with this particular video or create something new such as a pixilation as I found the white board technique became quite tedious after a while.